As the debate about our head of state has progressed, it’s become increasingly obvious that the Commonwealth is a major issue for some. So we created a Facebook page called “New Zealand in the Commonwealth” with the aim of dispelling misinformation about the modern Commonwealth, and New Zealand’s membership of the organisation.
The Governor-General versus the Privy Council
In 1994, the Privy Council ruled that the “Crown in Right of New Zealand” had acquired the obligations of the British Crown under the Treaty of Waitangi. This ruling disproves recent claims by the outgoing Governor-General that the Treaty requires an “unbroken” connection to the first Governor, William Hobson.
Belize to follow Barbados?
Barbados: first head of state is the last Governor-General
NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement: where's the "shared" head of state now?
At the outset of the New Zealand-UK free trade agreement, the British Government made the point of highlighting that New Zealand and the United Kingdom “share” a head of state. Yet as we get down to the details of the agreement, there are some glaring omissions.